As CEO of Jeff Willie Leadership and an Executive Program Member of Maxwell Leadership, I am certified to consult, facilitate, speak, train and coach individuals and groups in the areas of leadership development, communication, professional skills, career growth, and personal growth. Trained and mentored by John Maxwell and mentors of his world-class faculty, I am equipped with the tools, resources and experience to help you and your team improve your productivity, performance and profitability. Whether you are looking for a facilitator for group workshops, corporate training in leadership, leadership retreats, team building, communication, speaking, conflict management, or coaching skills for your leaders, or a speaker for your next event, I have access to exclusive content that is only available through a certified Executive Program Member of Maxwell Leadership to help you reach your goals and objectives.
Inspirational, motivational, dedicated, visionary, living with a passion and purpose, never stop dreaming, continuous education, lifelong learning, lead by example, model expected behaviors, and a great steward of God’s Gifts. These words are not the latest definition of leadership; these words describe my life and fuel my leadership and educational philosophy.
I grew up in East Texas (Deberry), 13 miles north of Carthage, TX (TX Country Music Hall Fame). My father was a World War II veteran (1942-1945). After the war, my father met and married my mother and that marriage union birth “The Willie Dozen” (six boys/six girls). My home was without electricity, running water, indoor plumbing, television, telephone, automobile (mules pulling wagons were our transportation), and we raised our food (vegetables, chickens, hogs). My father was illiterate, my mother completed the third grade and we had a 50 percent high school graduation rate, “Glass Half Full”. I attended segregated schools until the seventh grade, graduated high school in May 1976.
I served in the U.S. Air Force from April 1977 until October 2002. I’m a former Associate Professor (over 20 years), former high school Junior ROTC Instructor (15 years), and I have over 40 years as a Conflict Mediator/Family Mediator (a Dallas County Court Appointed Mediator). I have an extensive background in Leadership Training and Development (over 42 years), a former facilitator of Covey 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and I have been a platform presenter/facilitator since 1982. I’m a Certified Arkansas Law Enforcement Instructor in Rapid Response Special Weapons & Tactics (SWAT), a Honorary Colonel of Arkansas State Police, and an Honorary Member of Arkansas Highway Police.
I have three Associate Degrees from Community College of the Air Force, Bachelors in Corporate Training and Development, Master’s in Organizational and Human Resources Development and a Graduate Certificate in Conflict Mediation from Abilene Christian University. I’m pursuing my doctorate in Educational Leadership, concentrating on socio-economic resiliency factors, risk factors, protective factors, and shared factors to produce high academic achievement among students of color. My wife (Pat) and I married in 1977. We are the proud parents of Katrina (Pediatrician) and Ursurla (Attorney) and two adorable grandkids. Serving and Adding Value to People, People are my Business! "Inspire Until I Expire"
Contact me: Maxwell Leadership Resources, coupled with my background and experiences allows me to expand my reach and range to support business leaders, educational leaders, church leaders, and all others to achieve their personal and professional growth goals. Tomorrow is better by growing today.