1.DISC Behavior Assessment
2.Communication Impact Assessment
3.Sales Impact Assessment
4.Sales Leadership Impact Assessment
5.Growth Impact Assessment
6.College and Career Impact Assessment
7.Student Success Assessment (8-12 year old)
8.Entrepreneur Impact Assessment
9.Career Impact Report
10. Maxwell Leadership Assessment
DISC is the leading personal assessment tool used by over 1 million people every year to improve work productivity, teamwork and communication. The DISC model provides a common language that people can use to better understand themselves and adapt their behaviors with others — within a work team, a sales relationship, a leadership position, or other relationships.
DISC profiles help you and your team:
DOMINANCE - Person places emphasis on accomplishing results, the bottom line, confidence
INFLUENCE - Person places emphasis on influencing or persuading others, openness, relationships
STEADINESS - Person places emphasis on cooperation, sincerity, dependability
CONSCIENTIOUSNESS - Person places emphasis on quality and accuracy, expertise, competency
Each of us is wired with a very unique style of communication and collaborating with others. When we take our best and use it to serve people and projects, we can enjoy a higher degree of performance and a lesser degree of difficulty in our interactions with others.
Based on your responses to the online assessment, this report shows your communication style and offers tips on how you can connect more effectively with others. It also provides information on your strengths in influencing results, all of which are important to communicate, connect, and collaborate with others.
Whether you are new to selling or a seasoned sales veteran, the Maxwell Sales Impact Report will undoubtedly add value to you. This report provides a wide variety of information, including your selling style and ways to maximize it. It also offers awareness of the various buying styles of your clients.
In his best-selling book, Everyone Communicates, Few Connect, John C. Maxwell shares that, in order to connect with others, we must first understand one another. Further, John teaches that others must know, like, and trust us before we are allowed the opportunity to serve them. Truly successful salespeople build relationships with this process in mind.
If you sell any product, service, or a combination thereof, the Maxwell Sales Impact Report will guide you to impactful results!
In his best-selling book, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, leadership expert John C. Maxwell shares the Law of the Lid. It says that leadership is the lid on an organization’s results.
First, it is important that you know your Sales Profile. In the next few pages, you will discover a wide variety of information, including your selling style and ways to maximize it. The report also offers valuable insight into the various buying styles of your clients. Equipping the members of your sales team with this information about themselves as well, you can raise the level of awareness and action for your entire team.
In sales, it is critical that others know, like, and trust you before you are allowed the opportunity to serve them. Truly successful salespeople build relationships with this process in mind, and the recommendations outlined in this report are the foundation for building solid relationships, thus earning the trust of clients.
This report offers a 3 dimensional report for individuals seeking deep awareness. This report provides the key aspects of Communication Impact report with the addition of their role preference on a team and what they value most in their work.
Detailed Keyword Analysis – This analysis will show you how you respond to pressure and also how you tend to see yourself.
Your Communication Style – Have you ever noticed that the way some people communicate can affect your desire to speak with them or even help them? In this section of the report, you will learn more about your communication style and how you can focus on having even better communication with others.
Your Ideals at Work – Each of us has ideals we hold tightly, and for good reason: they are important! The Values Style portion of the report will provide you with insight into some of your professional values, which help shape your decisions and drive actions.
The Ways You Think – Everyone has their own unique way of thinking and processing information. In this section we will learn what the different cognitive thinking styles are, your own thinking style characteristics and how to capitalize on your strengths.
The Ways You Learn – This section of the report will help you understand the different learning styles as well as provide you your own learning style so that you can remain teachable and be continually learning.
Action Plan – In this section you will prepare an action plan. After all, plans without action is just time wasted. Now that you have all of this information and understand yourself better, it’s time to put it into action.
Your Next Step – All of this new awareness is great, and how you apply what you have learned and your own personal action plan is the likely next step. I will provide you with some options on how we can work together so you can move into the fullness of your own potential.
Here is what you will learn.
The world’s great economies, civilizations, innovations, and inventions have been the result of successful entrepreneurship. Perhaps you have a clear picture of your product or service, your business plan, and even your goals; but do you have a clear picture of your own strengths, communication style, and your selling strengths and challenges?
In the Entrepreneur Impact Report, you will discover:
Career Impact Report provides those in the midst of career transition with a well-rounded view of their communication style, their strengths as shown in our Power DISC which shows the way they can easily influence results and there are several examples of career paths that would make great use of their strengths.
The Maxwell Leadership Assessment is an online based tool that offers a 360-degree in-depth view of an individual’s influence, based on Maxwell’s Five Levels of Leadership methodology. Leadership is influence, nothing more nothing less. To grow in leadership, one must grow in influence. This tool is designed to assess the individual leader according to 64 important factors along with a self-assessment and anonymous feedback from supervisors, colleagues, direct reports, and others. Through this comprehensive 360-degree assessment, leaders accurately identify both their areas of strength and their opportunities for growth. This self-knowledge and team knowledge results in better teamwork, increased confidence, and more targeted leadership development.